Helping you be a better Machine Knitter

Kids Heads are Big!

Kids Heads are Big!
April 19, 2022
The neck opening of pullover sweaters for babies and kids should be big enough to fit over their heads.

When looking at sizing charts, 3 month heads are 15 inches. The neck openings are 4.5 inches wide . Yes, knitting stretches, but leaving one shoulder open is the answer

Make it easier for Mom and her baby by leaving one shoulder open and adding a little bit of style!


European Shoulder

European Shoulder
April 12, 2022
When making a European Shoulder-style sweater, the shoulder seam is moved to the back. This means the seam isn't at the top of the shoulder.


Open Cast on vs Closed Cast on

Open Cast on vs Closed Cast on
April 4, 2022
There are a variety of ways to begin knitting. Each approach has its own set of benefits and is divided into two categories: open cast on and closed cast on. All machine knitters should be conversant with a variety of cast-on procedures.


Intarsia on the Machine

Intarsia on the Machine
March 29, 2022
Intarsia (picture knitting) is a technique that allows color changes in the middle of the row without having floats across the back of the knitting


Not Enough Needles

Not Enough Needles
March 15, 2022
If you're knitting a blanket or a sweater, you've probably already found out that our knitting machines only have a limited number of needles to work with. This means we can only knit things that are a certain size.

Unlike hand knitters, we can't use a longer cable needle and make more stitches. We have to come up with new ways to knit bigger things on the machine.

Let's look at some possible solutions to the "not enough needles" problem.


Machine Knit Neckbands: Jazz em Up!

Machine Knit Neckbands: Jazz em Up!
March 8, 2022
Bands around necklines, armholes or at hems don't have to be boring!
It's easy to spice up a machine-knit garment by adding a little something extra where the bands meet the garment edge or along the turning row.


Armhole / Sleeve Choices for Knitters

Armhole / Sleeve Choices for Knitters
March 1, 2022
When you choose a sweater style, the first thing to think about is the armhole or sleeve style.

It's important to be able to tell the basic shape of any knitting pattern or even a sweater that you can buy.

Let's look at some common armhole/sleeve styles and the features of each one in terms of knitting skills and how well they fit.


Knitting Machine Tension Mast tips

Knitting Machine Tension Mast tips
February 22, 2022
The tension mast on a knitting machine feeds the yarn to a carriage and controls how quickly yarn moves. When you look at swatches made with different tension mast settings, you can see how important this device is to good machine knitting.


Tubing Your Knitting

Tubing Your Knitting
February 15, 2022
Our knitting is stretched across the needlebed as we machine knit. We also hang weights. This can change the stitches. Many machine kntiters will "tube" their work to "pop" the stitches into place.


Learn DesignaKnit: There are 2 non-selecting yarns at row ...

Learn DesignaKnit: There are 2 non-selecting yarns at row ...
February 14, 2022
Is this DesignaKnit Stitch Designer warning something you've seen before? "Error in pattern. There are 2 non-selecting yarns at row ..."
Let's translate this cryptic message and take steps to resolve it.
