Helping you be a better Machine Knitter

About Negative Ease

About Negative Ease
November 29, 2022
Take steps to guarantee that hats stay on and socks fits well with negative ease.


Sleeves too long? Here are 3 easy ways to get them right

Sleeves too long? Here are 3 easy ways to get them right
November 22, 2022
Why look for a pattern with short or 3/4-length sleeves?

You can make the sleeves any length you want with a little math (or a Knit it Now Dynamic Pattern).

Make your own sweaters and knit sleeves that are just the right length.


Ribbing without a Ribber

Ribbing without a Ribber
November 8, 2022
No ribber? Ribbing can be made by reworking stitches by hand.


Are punchcards interchangeable?

Are punchcards interchangeable?
November 1, 2022
Punchcards made by different machine makers may look a little bit different, but they can be used in the same machines with some restrictions.


6 Tips for Knitting Socks

6 Tips for Knitting Socks
October 25, 2022
It should not be daunting to make socks on a flatbed knitting machine.
If you master short row shaping, you can knit a wide variety of patterns.
The options are endless for socks: toe up, cuff down, yoga socks, kids' and adult's sizes, etc.


Cast on Rags

Cast on Rags
October 18, 2022
Instead of scraping on with waste yarn, you can cast on with cast-on rags.

They are especially helpful when putting a few stitches on the needles (like the underarm stitches for a sleeve or for shaping a sock gusset).

They can be used more than once, which saves time when casting on any number of stitches.


Thread it right

Thread it right
October 4, 2022
The tension mast on our machines controls the flow of yarn to the needles. Incorrectly threaded it can cause any number of problems, including mis-formed stitches, knitting dropping from the machine and mis-patterning. Take a moment to double check.


Sometimes it's just something simple

Sometimes it's just something simple
September 27, 2022
Measure twice, KNIT ONCE
Words of wisdom to apply to establishing your gauge.


Are you making machine knitting harder than it needs to be?

Are you making machine knitting harder than it needs to be?
September 20, 2022
You can avoid getting frustrated with the knitting machine. Too many knitters forget that, as the saying goes, "Rome wasn't built in a day."


Jacquard vs Double Bed Jacquard

Jacquard vs Double Bed Jacquard
September 13, 2022
The term "jacquard" has a specific meaning the the fashion world, but machine knitters tend to use it differently.


Knit It Now
Machine Knit-Ables