Helping you be a better Machine Knitter

From Swatch to Sweater: 7 Factors Every Machine Knitter Should Know.

From Swatch to Sweater: 7 Factors Every Machine Knitter Should Know.
June 25, 2024
When machine knitting, swatching and gauge are critical. Gauge is affected by many things. Consider these factors for your knitting success.


5 Tips for Attaching Buttons to Knits

5 Tips for Attaching Buttons to Knits
June 18, 2024
When putting buttons on knits, extra care needs to be taken because knits are open and the yarns used are sometimes fragile.


Why is this so hard?

Why is this so hard?
June 11, 2024
It can look hard at first to knit on a machine. It's not as simple as getting some yarn and two sticks. It can be hard to learn how to use the machine, find knitting designs, and add stitch patterns. But machine knitting is a GOOD challenge that knitters all over the world share.


Row Count Confusion

Row Count Confusion
May 21, 2024
"Decrease 2 stitches on row 17" Is that RC:017 or RC:18?


Convert a Hand Knitting Pattern for Machine Knitting

Convert a Hand Knitting Pattern for Machine Knitting
May 14, 2024
Understanding how to convert patterns will open doors to easily use hand knitting patterns with your machine knitting.
It's not hard; there are several ways to do it. Pick the way that works best for you.


Measuring Sleeves

Measuring Sleeves
April 30, 2024
Here's a tip to get your sleeve length right the first time


Where is the Zero needle?

Where is the Zero needle?
April 19, 2024
The abbreviations in vintage patterns can be confusing. Don't let this one trip you up.


What is the best size for a scarf or shawl?

What is the best size for a scarf or shawl?
April 9, 2024


I'm afraid to waste yarn

I'm afraid to waste yarn
April 9, 2024
Have you ever hesitated to start a project? Maybe you chose some very expensive yarn or you aren't confident with your skills. Here's a conversation we had with a fellow knitter who told us "I don't want to waste yarn".


Needles out of Work vs Drop Stitches

Needles out of Work vs Drop Stitches
April 1, 2024
An easy way to add open work and dimension to your knitting is by adding "ladders".
