Helping you be a better Machine Knitter

Knitters Graph Paper

Knitters Graph Paper
April 11, 2023
Knitters' graph paper is necessary for designing stitch patterns "to scale" and charting shapes (such as necklines and sleeves).


Yarn Twister for marled knitting

Yarn Twister for marled knitting
March 26, 2023
To produce a marled-look knitted fabric, combine two fine yarns with a yarn twister.


Ribber Cover

Ribber Cover
March 21, 2023
When you first start using a ribber, it can take a while to get used to how the needlebed is tilted. It's also easy to catch your knitting, your sleeves, or your fingers on the ribber needles or gate pegs. Here are some suggestions on how to cover your ribber.


The Secret Language of Machine Knitting

The Secret Language of Machine Knitting
March 14, 2023
Machine knitting has its own terms and shorthand that can be hard to understand. You can translate with the Knit it Now Glossary.


Using weights when Machine Knitting

Using weights when Machine Knitting
March 9, 2023
By using weights when machine knitting, you can achieve success even with those "difficult" yarns and stitch patterns and ensure that your stitches form more cleanly.


Tension Mast Assembly

Tension Mast Assembly
March 7, 2023
You may have seen that the tension mast on your machine is bent. There is a reason for the bend.


Tuck Lace Challenge

Tuck Lace Challenge
February 27, 2023
For Tuck Lace, it can be hard to figure out which stitches to put in out-of-work position. Here are some tips that will help.


Have you checked your clamps lately?

Have you checked your clamps lately?
February 25, 2023
"Take care of your tools and your tools will take care of you" Dad


Sleeveless Sleeves

Sleeveless Sleeves
February 23, 2023
You've found the perfect pattern, but you're not comfortable with sleeveless sweaters.
With the Knit it Now Sleeves Tool, it's easy to make your own sleeves for sweaters with drop shoulders or square armholes.


Secure those yarn tails

Secure those yarn tails
February 19, 2023
Regardless of the cast-on technique you use, it's crucial to secure the yarn tail so the initial few stitches knit properly.


Knit It Now
Machine Knit-Ables