Machine Knit-able : Trekken FAIRISLE Vest | Men

Trekken FAIRISLE Vest

Trekken FAIRISLE Vest

Perfect for casual or professional environments, this handsome vest combines modernity and tradition with stranded colorwork and an exciting pop of color on an ebony background.

If you're new to Fair Isle knitting, you'll be a pro by the time you finish. The end result is sure to earn you bragging rights, whether you've chosen to knit this for yourself or a loved one.

HK Original
MK Substitute
Stranded knitting - body knit in the round Knit flat quickly with automatic patterning (punchcard or electronics)
Interesting Fairisle Stitch pattern with small repeats Adapt the original stitch pattern or substitute your own
Knit with DK Tweed Superwash Use the Knit it Now Pattern to make it on any machine with any yarn