Tips and Tricks

Do you NEED DesignaKnit?

  • August 17, 2023
DesignaKnit (DAK) is a software program that allows you to create knitting patterns. It's a powerful tool for both hand and machine knitters. It helps you design garments, create stitch patterns, and provides instructions for your knitting projects.

The software is very popular with machine knitters, especially those who use electronic machines. But you don't need an electronic machine to get value from DAK.

Do YOU need DesignaKnit? Explore the features of DAK below and decide for yourself

Do you have a manual machine? (LK-150 or non-punchcard machine)
Watch the video: DAK and manual knitting machines

What does DesignaKnit do?

1Creates knitting patterns
Graphically create garment shapes and Designaknit will provide knitting instructions in a number of formats including: Written text instructions, Japanese Notation, Interactive Knitting

Choose from a standard library of 100's of styles
Modify the basic shapes for your own design

If don't own DesignaKnit, and you are considering buying it but you aren't sure if it's right for you, explore the possibilities here.

For a FREE deep-dive "Quick Start" in DAK, visit

2Creates stitch patterns
DAK allows us to create stitch patterns visually, then download them to an electronic machine. It also can create punchcard diagrams to punch your own cards or use the diagrams for hand manipulation on manual machines.

  • Electronic machines
    • Use the built-in stitch patterns in your machine
    • Manually program your machine
  • Punchcard or manual machines
    • use Pre-punched cards
    • Punch cards or create Cheat Sheets from vintage resources

3And more ....
  • In addition, DAK can be used as a Graphics Design program, manipulating images and diagrams to create both stitch patterns (Graphics Studio) and garment shapes (trace feature)

  • To add even more power, the Interactive Knitting Feature of DAK can be used as a Charting Device so you can "knit from screen" following instruction for shaping, color changes and stitch patterning.

Do you NEED DesignaKnit?

DesignaKnit is a large, powerful program (with a large learning curve). If any of the features are something that you would use often for your knitting, then the answer to the question is "YES" ... if you are willing to invest both the time and the $$$.
If you are in the US, DesignaKnit can be purchased from Knit it Now.(Receive FREE course of your choice).
If you are outside the use here is a List of dealers

Master DAK at
  • Challenge yourself
  • Learn at your own pace
  • Interactive walk-throughs
  • Checklists
  • Videos and Content in multiple languages
  • Worksheets
  • Tools Glossary and Cheat Sheets
  • Keep forever courses
    • Mary K
    • July 27, 2024

    I’ve had DAK since about 2011 when I bought my silver reed 860 then later bought the 840. Both electronic machines. It’s a waste of money to buy these machines if you don’t also purchase DAK. Better to stick with a punch card machine. I love DAK. I can input any Fairisle, tuck stitch etc. there is a learning curve, but the more you learn it only gets better. Great place to store patterns in folders. I’m terrible at losing, where did I put that information. You don’t need bookshelves full of generated patterns. You can store it all in DAK & be able to find it. You can start with standard garment mode, then take into original mode to make more changes. You are only limited by your imagination in creating a garment. My one BIG criticism of DAK is there is no version for APPLE. I don’t like Microsoft & having to use a PC. I pester softe byte every now & then to make an Apple version but it hasn’t happened yet.

    • Tina B
    • December 3, 2023

    For the Sk 840 DAK IS the patterning unit. Without the machine is like any mechanical machine. For this machine you need DAK, for interactiv knitting . And when you have it, and get control over the pissibilities, the other modules are geeat to have, too.

    • Sue J
    • August 30, 2023

    Lisa, there are a number of ways to do this. 1. Start with a Standard Garment Styling shape and modify according to the HK pattern 2. Copy the HK pattern from scratch in Original Pattern Drafting (diagram or text instruction) 3. Use the trace feature from a diagram or sewing pattern Or a combination of these. Please let me know if i can help.

    • lisa b
    • August 30, 2023

    Cheri, I just want to say that your comment is inspirational to me. I purchased DAK and the accessories a few years ago and have not used it very much. I am now learning more about it and working on my knitting machines making swatches, perfecting a tighter edge using the ribber, etc. I did not think of using hand knitting patterns to create patterns in DAK! Thank you for sharing.

    • Cherie S
    • August 21, 2023

    I recently purchased DAK, and I'm slowly going through the screens, viewing the videos that come with the program, and getting familiar with the accompanying, built-in manual. In addition, I've purchased several of the LearnDesignaKnit modules. From what I can see, it will offer the flexibility to create anything I want to make. I'll be able to take designs from my hand-knitting books and magazines and create them in DAK to download to my knitting machines-- one is electronic and the other is manual. I agree that it comes with a hefty price tag, but the features and possibilities made it a sound purchase for me. When I look at my accumulated collection of patterns both hand and machine knitting, I see the ease in easily creating anything I see, in my or someone else's size with any yarn I like and can find. I've taken photos of store designs I plan to create. I know many experienced members have made wonderful items using DAK. They helped me take the final plunge!

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