Projects | Patterns

What is a Machine Knit-Able?

  • October 11, 2021
What is a Machine Knit-Able?
To inspire your knitting:

  • We curate knitting designs from the hand knitting world. (These are used with permission from the owners.)

  • We make suggestions as to how you can use the inspiration from the design with your knitting machine.

  • You can purchase the original yarn and pattern ~OR~ you can choose your own yarn and use a Knit it Now pattern

Where is the Pattern?

Look for the section "Original Pattern and Recommendations" and find the button "Everything you need to get knitting"

Remember, unless noted these are hand knitting patterns. Purchasing the pattern can be helpful to use the original measurements and stitch pattern. But there will be no machine knitting instruction. Knit it Now suggestions are included in the weekly Knit-Able.

Explore 3 ways of using a hand knitting pattern with your machine

Course: Use a Hand Knitting Pattern with Your Knitting Machine
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Knit It Now
Machine Knit-Ables